
The Archive of Malian Photography (AMP) has worked with its partners and conservation team to develop scanning workflows, copyright and use permissions, and a partnership agreement aimed at promoting global access to the collections in AMP while protecting them from exploitation. AMP makes these resources available (below) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Metadata created to describe the materials in AMP will soon be available for bulk download. AMP metadata is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) license.

The materials on this page include AMP's conservation workflows for selecting, cleaning, rehousing, scanning, cataloging, translating, and post-processing access copies of digitized photographic negatives. These guidelines are based on best practices and were developed in collaboration with specialists in the fields of photographic negative conservation, negative scanning, and digital archives and libraries. In the spirit of transparency and collaboration, AMP project managers (Youssouf Sakaly in Bamako and Catherine Foley at MSU), Malian partners, and project director Candace Keller co- created a Partnership Agreement (in both English and French) outlining the expectations and responsibilities of all parties. These agreements are also available below. For more information about how and why these workflows and agreements were developed, please see the About pages of this site, specifically the Intellectual Property page and the Best Practices page. Finally, zipped AMP metadata files will be made available for bulk download on this page when all AMP scans are uploaded into the project's digital repository.

Statement of Partnership and Responsibilities (January 17, 2017)
This is an agreement in which the undersigned parties partner to fulfill the following expectations and responsibilities related to a preservation and access project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project, administered by Matrix, entails cleaning, digitizing, cataloging, preserving, and rendering publically accessible 17- 25,000 photographic negatives in the archive of [Photographer's Name].
Déclaration de Partenariat et de Responsabilités (January 17, 2017)
Il s’agit d’un accord dans lequel les parties soussigné s’associent pour répondre aux attentes et responsabilités décrites ci-dessous liées à un projet de préservation, de documentation et de mise en ligne financé par le NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities). Le projet, qui est administré par Matrix, implique le nettoyage, la numérisation, le catalogage, la préservation et la mise en ligne pour le grand publique de 17 à 25 000 négatifs photographiques issus des archives de [nom du photographe].
Selection Guidelines (January 31, 2017)
This document describes the criteria used to select photographic negatives for inclusion in phase 2 of the Archive of Malian Photography (AMP). Rather than focus solely on the oldest negatives, as was done in phase 1 of the project completed with funds from the British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme, phase 2 prioritizes sampling across each photographers’ career. The National Endowment for the Humanities has provided support for phase 2 of AMP.
Description du processus de Sélection des images (January 31, 2017)
Ce document définit le critére utilisé pour sélectioner les négatifs photographique pour y inclure dans la dexième phase des archives de la photographie malienne (AMP). Au lieu de se concentrer uniquement sur nègatifs les plus anciens, comme était le cas dans la première phase, accompli avec les contributions financières du « British Library Endangered Archives Programme », la deuxième phase donnera la priorité à l'échantillon de l'ensemble de la carrière du photographe. « National Foundation for the Humanities » fournit les finances pour la deuxième phase de L'AMP.
Conservation Workflow: Cleaning, Rehousing, Scanning, and Cataloging (January 31, 2017)
This workflow describes the steps and procedures used to clean, rehouse, scan, and catalog photographic negatives in the Archive of Malian Photography
Procédure de conservation : Nettoyage, mise en boite, numérisation et documentation (January 31, 2017)
La présente procédure décrit les différentes étapes pour nettoyer, reloger dans de nouvelles boites, numériser et cataloguer des négatifs provenant d’archives photographiques dans le cadre du projet Mali Archive Photo.
AMP Conservation Tutorial Part 1 (October 11, 2016)
This tutorial shows the steps taken by conservators to gently remove dust from photographic negatives with a non-static brush. The video includes French subtitles describing the conservation process.
AMP Conservation Tutorial Part 2 (October 11, 2016)
This tutorial shows the steps taken by conservators to remove water spots or oily fingerprints from photographic negatives with a small amount of alcohol on a cotton swab. The video includes French subtitles describing the conservation process.
AMP Conservation Tutorial Part 3 (October 11, 2016)
This tutorial shows how conservators might use a solvent (for example, Solvon Film Cleaner and Conditioner) to remove stains that remain in photographic negatives after alcohol treatment. The video includes French subtitles describing the conservation process.
Metadata Translation Workflow (January 17, 2017)
This document describes the steps used to translate the Archive of Malian Photography metadata catalogs (in Excel) from French into English. It specifies the metadata fields that require review and provides suggestions about how to consistently translate certain phrases or terms in English.
Post-Production Photoshop Workflow (May 23, 2017)
This document describes the steps used to modify raw scans of photographic negatives in the Archive of Malian Photography. It specifies how to use Photoshop to create distribution jpeg images from TIFF scans, alter aspects of the distribution copies so as to represent the aesthetic preferences of the photographers and photographic subjects, and add a graphic element (the photographer's name) to assert the relationship between image and photographer.
Metadata Download (Forthcoming)
All metadata stored in the AMP repository is available for bulk download as zipped JSON files. AMP will make these files available when all AMP scans are uploaded into the project's digital repository.