Edited for website to reflect original aesthetic.
Kita, Mali
No Date
Three men pose in front of the police station. One of them brandishes a revolver, while the other two display their daggers - “Bah Keita (in the centre) and his older brother Madou Oule (on the left) + Tamba Kouyaté, police commissioner”
Trois hommes posent devant le commissariat de police. L'un d'eux brandit un revolver, tandis que les deux autres exhibent leur poignard - "Bah Keita et son grand-frère Madou Oulé à gauche + Tamba Kouyaté, commissaire de police"
Unique Identifier: NEH_DIALLO_001_1_287
Box Number: NEH_Diallo_001_1
Format: 6x6cm black-and-white negative
Genre: Other Photograph - Portraiture
Copyright: This image is copyrighted by the photographer.
Use Permissions: The low-resolution distribution copy of the scanned negative is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA). For all uses of the high resolution scan, including for publications and exhibitions, contact the collection custodian.